Friday, March 19, 2010

You shouldn't hate the world. You should hate the world you are stuck inside.

A girl walks through the open doors into the sunlight. She delights in the fact that, what seems like a menial day to everyone else, is quite wondrous to her. It is a beautiful day, both in weather and character. She glides across the pathway, knowing that she is lucky for such a beautiful day to grace her. The sun seems to accommodate her, as if they are kindred spirits in need of each other's friendship. The slightly chilled breeze, hoping to dampen her spirits, blows around her. Yet, she smiles at this discourteous measure and keeps moving. She knows better than to dignify that brute called winter with a response. As she continues to whatever destination she is headed to, she thinks back to the moments before this, when she was inside. Oh- what a horrid memory. To think that a short while ago she was trapped by four walls and cruel fluorescent lighting. But, she calms herself by taking away that evil memory. No more will the proprieties of society prevent her from this beauty. And she thinks some more as she meanders. She thinks of a smile that was given to her. A smile that was quite new, but nonetheless appreciated.