I. What is the strongest thing you can conceive of doing with your life?
The one thing I have always conceived is to do nothing more than one thing: love. No matter where my life takes me, no matter what my future circumstances may be, I want to have an amorous spirit in my heart. I want to wake up each and every morning knowing that there are people in this world that I truly care for, and I flatter myself by thinking that there could possibly people that care for me. I think it is the greatest thing to with your life- to love, that is. A love of books, a love of nature, a love of music, and a love of people. These are the only things I need to accomplish with my life to know that I have made a worthwhile impact upon the world.
II. What is Freedom For? What is the best thing you can do with it?
Freedom is for the pursuit of the unknown. Or, perhaps, freedom is a fallacy that we all become complacent about in our adult years. I think that freedom is an abstract, far too emotional to be put into the format of utility. However, that being said, freedom is something that can be used to change the world. And that is, in my opinion, the best thing you can do with it. Freedom makes us aspire to greater things, pushing us beyond the falsely humble constraints of society. So, if we can believe in freedom the abstract, perhaps we can believe in freedom the reality.
III. What are the elements that define Adulthood?
Adulthood is a silly and illogical term designed by society to turn us all into deluded carbon copies. Being an adult means being: chillingly rational, unemotional, serious ad nauseum, and unhappy. Society makes us assume the roles we were inherently bred to become. We take our jobs, fall in line, and don't make a peep so that we seem normal. Yet, on the inside, are we truly living? Are we lying to ourselves when we are sitting inside of our pre-fab houses, listening to the news of the day but feeling strangely detached from the rest of the world? We say we are happy with our things, our connections, our lifestyle; but each minute the true soul within us dies a little. Adulthood means losing ourselves to the menacing, yet falsely charismatic figure that is the Jonses. I would rather be a child forever.
IV. What Strengths Are You Bringing into World As an Adult?
As I said, I will never truly be an adult. However, I feel I will bring into this world a sense of naive happiness that has long been forgotten in the world of responsibility. I don't have to be unhappy to be happy (unhappy meaning a sense of ennui). I require the true joys in life and nothing more. Perhaps I am self-righteous, but I can only pity the current state of the adult world. I just have the desire to be happy and to love; this is my greatest strength.
V. What are your Challenges?
I am challenged by my inherent nature to be accepted and to be loved. Just like every other human being, I want to know that I am not the only one that cares about myself. It is obvious to see how this would come in conflict with my personal philosophy that the status quo is unacceptable. People that are abnormal are pariahs in this world, and I will probably become one of them. But, I will always want to be accepted because I am naturally insecure. Will I be able to be unafraid about who I am? Or will I compromise and chose acceptance?
VI. What do you most love to do in all the world?
The one thing I love most in this world, other than people (because that answer is far too cliche'), is the written word. Every time I write a paper, or a note, or a blog, I am amazed at the things that are being formed upon the paper. To be able to express my ideas is so mind-boggling, even though I have been able to write for the past fourteen years. And, to read... Oh, what a glorious thing! To see words (truly abstract figures strung together in sequence) illuminating great thoughts is almost like seeing the face of God. So, my love affair for the written word continues; born from deep admiration and transformed by literature.
VII. What is your Deep Gladness? Where Does it Meet the World’s Deep Need?
My deep gladness is having affection for other people, and I have always felt that, 'What the world needs now is love, sweet love.' I think that love can completely change a person's life, whether that love be platonic, romantic, or otherwise. If we could all experience the tender touch of a person that held us dear, I think there would be a bit more romanticism to the world. By romanticism, I mean a sense of idealized brotherhood. I'm not saying that caring for another individual will result in the "I'd like to buy the world a Coke" commercials, but I think it's a start. So, I might be useful in the world after all.
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