Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Another day in nowhere that goes unnoticed.

She had on a floral-printed dress that she had bought on-sale the previous day. It almost fit her perfectly, but the fabric cinched around her hips. But, the tightness was almost sensual in nature, had she not covered her body in a loose coat. Her lipstick was the shame shade as an overly ripe peach; she wore it well.
He had that incredulousness about him that all young men hope to encapsulate. His hair had been lackadaisically slicked down with cheap hair gel. He wasn't particularly interested in anything other than the things directly in his line of sight. But, his soft voice made him endearing to all who met him.
As they walked towards the decrepit convenience store, their hands clasped awkwardly. Palms sweating against each other as they try to synchronize their steps. She tries not to pay attention to him, but every so often she glances towards his figure. He has to fake his interest towards her, but he doesn't mind. She's pretty enough for now. And he's happy enough. For now.

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