Monday, April 26, 2010

For the Bible tells me so...

If a book told me that someone loves me
Should I believe them?

If an institution told me that I loved someone
Should I believe it?

I was told from a young age
That he loved me

I knew not why this person loved me
Just that he did

I was unsure about this relationship
How could it ever work if I never met him?

Where was this mystery man?
Did he ever think about me?

I never had the pleasure of meeting him
Though I thought about him often

Then, like a wilting flower
I lost interest

Oh, how I was loathed for my fickleness
But I could not commit

I never felt his hand in my own
I never heard his voice speak my name

My heart felt no longing for this man
I could not long for something that did not exist

I still hear about this man
He still does love me

Maybe one day we will meet
In a train station or on the street

Until then I say, "be well, fair gentleman"
For I do want you to know that I care

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